
"Koginka Kamaru Xue is an Andean master par excellence. His impeccable heart weaves in his teachings all aspects of life to recover humanity's full potential and capability. His immense soul carries the unwavering commitment only a true master can behold, one of flawless consciousness, of courage beyond words and remarkable precision what humans came here to accomplish. As a mother of two boys and an apprentice of Koginka I am more than fortunate to raise the next generation under the guidance and instructions of a legendary man, one who has touched the lives and hearts of many including myself; and for that I am immensely grateful. "
Nadine Brasunas, North Carolina, USA"
Koginka Kamaru Xue is a guide for the lost souls who want to come back to the Mother. Koginka is my friend, he is my Mentor and he is also a man. He is the greatest reflection of all these things I have ever seen. His greatness is no different than Air, Water, Earth or Fire...to see and appreciate these natural Elements the Mother has given us all requires recovering the value for what is natural, mysterious and yet can not be lived without in all of our lives. –
Geronimo Ikaro Phoenix, Michigan, USA
"In a little over four years of acquaintance with Koginka K’amaru Xue as a teacher and spiritual mentor, I’ve come to realise there’s really no way to accurately describe the impeccable and exceptional way in which he holds and conducts himself in all that he does. To his absolute credit, he is a human enigma. One that I suspect will only ever be grasped by courageously following in his footsteps as much as humanly possible, using his living example and heart-level guidance as a rare and yet indispensable light upon the path toward recovering full conscious communion with the power that creates us. Anyone genuinely seeking the realisation of their true nature and purpose upon this Earth, can likely find no better guide and ally than Koginka."
Jonathan Evatt, Nyuichi, New Zealand
"Koginka Kamaru Xue, founder of Xolar Vibronics, is a legendary, virtuous & precious treasure for humanity with a radiant & immense Heart. If you want to be reborn into consciousness, recover your soul “solid spiritual integrity" and find yourself doing the role of a lifetime, then you must take the giant leap & show up with your Heart to be trained by this Masterful Mentor. Your spiritual development & achievements will grow beyond your imagination into infinity & into the heart of Creation, our Universal Primordial Mother, the Divine Mother."
Regine Veraguas, Cape Town, South Afrika
"Koginka Kamaru Xue is a master soul-guide for the ones dedicated to return to the natural functioning and be of service on this earth. He has the ability to transmit teachings that connect with the truth in your heart and support you to bring it forth into a world that needs our hearts now more than ever."
Magdalena Vestman, Sweden
"My heart overflows with immense gratitude, tribute, and homage for the Andean master Koginka Kamaru Xue. A true and pure lover of the Mother and of all her Creation, Koginka Kamaru Xue relentlessly spiritually trains Souls to return to the ancestral holistic wise ways of living and being in reciprocity, balance and harmony with the living ecosystems of Nature. He is a true master in transmitting impeccably at an energetic vibrational level the pure consciousness that the heart and Soul is precisely longing and yearning for to recover its power, integrity and dignity. I deeply cherish and value all that he continuously does for humanity and the planet, and I will stand by him in service for all my life." –
Marie Hache, Zaliuma, Canada
"Koginka Kamaru Xue is a rare and majestic soul who moves with skill, grace, and mastery in all that he does. His life is one of loving service, teaching by example the art of sacred reciprocity to bring greater balance and harmony to the Mother and her entire creation. He serves as the prophetic bridge between the ancient original knowledge of the wise elders and all of us who are in desperate need to hear and integrate these jewels of wisdom. I am so grateful for all of the guidance and support he has offered me in all areas of my life."
Lynn McCulloch, Seiuma, Asheville, North Carolina
"Koginka Kamaru Xue is a true master and lover of the divine mother, a sacred ally that deeply reflects to me the true essence of the spirit that holds immense dedication and love to deeply help humanity and nature return to its natural state of functioning. His guidance and support has revived my heart and soul in a way I never thought was possible, and for this I will always cherish his efforts and the hand he extends out for us as a guiding light to help us recover who we really are and live a life with meaning and consciousness."
Kodi Vredenburgh, Florida, USA
"Koginka Kamaru Xue is an incredibly beautiful master and developed Andean heart. He has come from his ancestral sacred lands to share with yearning souls the Divine Mother's Original Living Knowledge. My experience in the last 12 years studying with him and working alongside him in service has been profoundly valuable, life changing, and very powerful. Koginka is a beautiful and special shining, resilient light with amazing tenacity, love and commitment to do the spiritual work. I have never met a person that is more alive and dedicated than him, and it is a tremendous honor for my soul to be with him walking together".
Lauren Aiyana, Asheville, NC​
"Koginka Kamaru Xue is the light in the darkness of confusion of these times, shining with radiance and power and guiding us in the direction that aligns us on our way back to the source of our soul's origin. He teaches with great clarity, depth, and impeccability the elements that replenish & nourish every yearning heart. He has helped my own soul out of the darkness and ravages of the tumultuous storms that were taking me down. My heart is shining brightly again and is now working to return to its origin, the Divine Mother with his silent, loving support, service and assistance. I wish that I had the words to describe my heart's deepest gratitude for his soul."
Christina Pardos, Lake Worth, FL, USA
"This work reconnects our heart and souls back to the innocence for which we are all born. Somehow through our journey in this life, darkness tries to steal what rightfully belongs to us. Koginka Kamaru Xue has the love, patience, and enlightened insight as to how this happens and where it came from, while reconnecting our souls and unshackling the power of light within us . . . Thank you!" - Susan Christiansen.Florida, USA